In 1681, the Ghostly Mariner, a fearsome pirate ship, aimed for Tortuga. Their goal? To raid the Spanish colonies and snatch everything in sight. They picked winter’s chill, thinking no one would expect a sea attack in such freezing times. They were so sure of their plan, thinking they had it all figured out. But they forgot about one thing: fate.
Ah, fate’s a tricky thing. Sometimes, it graces you with luck, giving you a big smile. But other times, it takes a nasty turn, throwing everything into chaos.
On the eve of their impending onslaught, the pirate leader, Captain Ravenlock, sought to bolster the crew’s morale. He bounded toward the stern, bellowing:
Captain Ravenlock: “Arrr, let our hearts match the whisperin’ winds and th’ roarin’ seas, our spirits fierce as the tempest, our swords swift as lightnin’! To victory and plunder, with the courage of legends, we sail forth!”
Captain Ravenlock cut a figure of harshness and cruelty. Through his eyes, devoid of emotion and warmth, one could sense the void within. His blade had already claimed countless lives, often targeting the throat. Witnesses recalled moments where he stared into the eyes of his victims, relishing the cocktail of pain and torment until their final breath slipped away.
Ravenlock’s Ruthless Reign of Terror
Thursday the 13th of November 1681—the night of the attack, the eve of the massacre. Tortuga, an isle fortified with few Spanish colonists, stood vulnerable. Colonel Constanza Morales, their seasoned leader, faced the cruelty of fate alongside his comrades. The pirates’ assault unfolded with precision and cunning. Their initial target: the annihilation of Spanish supplies and the clearance of the island’s entrance. Colonel Constanza ordered a retreat, urging all to seek shelter within the fortress. Yet, it proved an ill-fated decision.
Captain Ravenlock had foreseen this maneuver, fortifying the outskirts of the fortress with cannons and fire. Flames raged, obscuring the night amidst cannonades. Amidst the chaos, the night descended—a veil woven with smoke and infernal illumination.
Unveiling the Watery Menace
It was a gruesome scene—broken bodies everywhere. The pirates attacked fiercely, leaving destruction behind. They won, tearing down the fortress. But among the wreckage, only Colonel Constanza survived, badly hurt and thinking this was his last night alive.
As the pirates reveled in their triumph, an ominous presence stirred in the murky depths. Something hungered, concealed beneath the waves, biding its time. A creature of unknown terror, concealed in the shadows, poised to strike. None could anticipate or discern the impending menace lurking beneath the waters—a pair of glistening yellow eyes, watching and waiting…
To be continued in the Next Episode (coming next week).
"The Lake Lady" is the first Horror Story Episodic series of, unraveling the gripping tale of the mysterious Lake Lady. Join us weekly as we peel back the chilling origins of The Lake Lady and plunge into her haunting story. Stay tuned for each spine-tingling weekly episode.
Meanwhile while you are waiting for the next episode of The Lake Lady, do not miss the Deadly Web: The Unmasking of a Digital Nightmare.
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