The Testimonies
Lady Hollow (The wife)
“I spent the entire night in my private chamber, lost in my painting. The brushstrokes were my only solace from the chaos that has enveloped this house. I didn’t kill my husband, but I can’t say his obsession with the occult hadn’t driven a wedge between us. I was painting to escape, to forget.”
Peter (The Butler)
“I was in the kitchen, meticulously preparing the evening’s refreshments. The clinking of glass and silverware filled the air, drowning out any other sounds. I didn’t hear anything unusual, but then again, this house has always been a sanctuary for the strange.”
Sarah (The Maid)
“I was dusting the grand chandelier in the hallway when I saw Lady Hollow. She was pacing near the study room, her face flushed and her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn’t quite place. It was as if she was wrestling with some inner turmoil. She seemed… distressed, to say the least.”
Detective Grim
“I was in the dimly lit lounge, poring over some confidential case files that could expose Lord Hollow’s illicit activities. I never touched that knife, and I have reason to believe someone is deliberately trying to frame me. The real question is, who stands to gain the most from both Lord Hollow’s death and my implication?”
Miss Scarlet
“I was lost in the rhythm of the waltz, twirling and swirling in the grand ballroom. The atmosphere was electric, and I was the center of attention. It was during one of these exuberant twirls that a piece of my witch’s hat must have torn off. I didn’t even notice it was missing until later.”

The Questions
- Who killed Lord Hollow?
- How did they manage to lock the room from the inside?
- What does the note mean?
- What is the significance of the symbol on the floor?
Think wisely and deep before you answer…
Need extra clues?
Are you ready to accuse a suspect and close the case?
Click page “5” to reveal the answers.