January Fresh Indie Horror News
The cold dark winter is always a breeding ground for the best horror. I’m not sure why it’s better to watch horror when it’s cold outside, but if you are gonna get the chills, you might as well make it count.
The new theatrical release of Nosferatu is the perfect example, but let’s rewind about 100 years or so. Alia Synesthesia, Siberian-Canadian classically trained operatic soprano, multi-instrumentalist and audio engineer has re-scored the Silent Era classic, Nosferatu and has taken the Symphony of Horror to the next level.
While we are on the topic of blood suckers, let’s talk The Transylvanians. This is a musical tribute to the 50th anniversary of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in what promises to be an evening of vampy musical numbers, cheeky horror, and irresistible allure. This is coming out of DRagon Studios, the same company responsible for the reboot of Return of the Living Dead, with the Linnea Quigley project, “Trash’s Revenge”.
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The great philosopher Shirley Manson of Garbage once said, “I’m only happy when it rains“. She must have been a horror fan. Anyway, you know what comes out after a good rainfall. Worms! And this audacious new entry in body horror is wriggling its way to collectors on the new blu-ray release on SamHel.com. Gravitas Ventures has recently released David M. Park’s new film, “When It Rains In L.A.” starring Eric Roberts, Monroe Cline, Mike Ferguson, and Leslie Stratton. As the rain begins to fall, strange and unsettling events unfold, leaving Sasha (Monroe Cline) to confront the dark and mysterious forces surrounding her.

Indie horror has its day in the theatre with Jason Horton’s “A Hard Place” starring Lynn Lowry and Felissa Rose. Check out this new creature feature on its roadshow adventure near you. Shawn C. Phillips’ “Desert Fiends” recently took Las Vegas by storm with it’s Red Carpet Premiere. Six friends on their way to a concert break down in the middle of nowhere and encounter a deranged family that lives in the desert killing anyone they come across. This stars Michael Pare, Eric Roberts, Bai Ling, Tom Arnold, Scout Taylor-Compton, and Lisa Wilcox.
Creative Kills Productions have launched a very unique concept horror podcast where the end of each show offers a surprise. I don’t want to spill the blood on what the ending of the show details, but it’s true to horror. They have their first couple episodes in the can including guests Jesus Payan Jr. (Breaking Bad), Alex Cantwell (Metal Band, Red Mesa), and Santa Claus! Podcast hosts John Roberts, Dizzie Locz and Ben Marshall bring you all the gore talk. You can catch episodes on their youtube channel.
I hope you enjoy this collision of macabre news from the indie scene. You never really know what oddities are out there but I do my best to uncover them for you guys. I think 2025 is going to be a stellar year for horror.
By Michael Joy from Marketing Macabre
Besides the Indie Horror releases, January has much more screams to share with the Best Horror Movies coming in Theaters and VOD. Check them all out!