Previously: Why did the Lake Lady decide to spare Colonel Constanza’s life? And what will happen next?
April 16, 1981, a pristine spring day, found 8-year-old Lorie and her parents venturing into the forest for a leisurely picnic near their North Carolina home. Lake Santeetlah, a serene haven, offered a tranquil spot for various activities, from fishing to relaxing at Cheoah Point’s beach. Upon arrival, as they arranged their picnic setup, Lorie, driven by her love for azaleas, ventured into the woods.

“Stay close, Lorie! Don’t wander off too far,” her mother cautioned, mindful of the deep and dangerous woods.
“Okay, Mom,” Lorie replied, concealing her true aim: to find her cherished pink – so called – “diamonds” among the flowers.
Encounter with the Lake Lady
As she went deeper, nearing the lake, The cold water felt inviting. She almost reached out in order to take a sip from the lake when a woman’s voice stopped her.
“You shouldn’t, dear. The water may seem pure, but it isn’t,” cautioned the Lake Lady.

An astonishing woman stood at the top of a rock, captivating Lorie’s gaze with her beauty. Her murmurs carried an odd, ancient melody—echoing, some might say, of a pirate’s tune.
With cannons booming, our colors unfurled,We’ve conquered the seas, our victory swirled.
In triumph we sing, our foes all fled,
For this moment we rule, all pirates are dead!
“Who are you?” Lorie asked, sensing an unusual aura.
“I am the Lake Lady,” came the reply, shrouded in an ominous undertone. “I watch over this lake and girls like you. Soon, you’ll understand.”
Lorie felt really confused and a bit scared. She tried to move away, but the Lake Lady was determined to keep Lorie there.

“Are you seeking for this?” The Lake Lady extended her left hand, revealing a stunning pink Azalea.
“My favorite flower! How did you know?” Lorie wondered.
“I know many things about you, Lorie. Many things,” the Lake Lady replied, a chilling smile etched upon her face.
“How do you know my name?” Lorie got even more mixed up and started feeling a bit scared.

A Terrifying Bargain
Before Lorie could understand, she heard cracking noises. Then, five rough-looking men came out of the woods. They had ripped clothes, dirty faces, and looked very mean.
“Well, what do we have here? A woman and a little girl. Lucky us!” sneered one of the gang members, their laughter resonating through the forest. Lorie, realizing the imminent danger in her solitude, felt panic grip her.
“Fear not, my dear. I’ll handle them. I ask only for a promise,” the Lake Lady reassured, as the gang readied their knives.
“Anything, just make them leave!” Lorie begged, really desperate.
“Promise me that one day, you’ll help me when I need it as well,” the Lake Lady responded.
“I promise. I promise to give you what I love the most,“ Lorie affirmed, feeling really scared.
“Again. Say it Again!’’ The Lake Lady insisted.
“I promise that one day I will help you when you need it. Now make them go away please!” Lorie screamed with the little strength left in her voice.
“Now, close your eyes and do not open them until I say,” instructed the Lake Lady.
Aftermath of a Promise
Lorie did what the lady said, even though she didn’t want to. There were scary screams and then everything went quiet. A deadly silence everywhere. With her eyes closed, Lorie felt really scared even though everything seemed calm.

When she finally opened her eyes, the horrific scene unfolded. Her parents, screaming and sobbing, surrounded by a ghastly sight of blood and dismembered bodies. The Lake Lady was gone, leaving behind a macabre sight.
As the authorities arrived and questioned Lorie, her mind echoed the Lake Lady’s haunting words: “One day, my love, I will come for your promise.”
And there it was, her hand opened, showing something inside. It was a pretty pink azalea. Its soft petals made her feel curious and a little scared.
Meanwhile while you are waiting for the next episode of The Lake Lady, do not miss the : The Lost Shoppers: A Black Friday Horror Tale
In This Episode: Why did the Lake Lady protect Lorie's life, and what was the promise she made to save her from the gang? Stay tuned next Monday for the new episode. Read ALL the Previous Episodes Here: Episode 1 | Episode 2