Previously: Lorie, sensing the torment that has gripped Ted’s soul in the clutches of the Lake Lady, extends her helping hand. Together with Mark, they embark on a journey to unite with others who have weathered the same harrowing experiences.
After a grueling drive to Baltimore, the designated meeting point, Lorie, Mark, and Ted finally arrived. The night still cloaked the surroundings as they sought refuge in a 24-hour coffee shop named “Bird In Hand.” A sip of coffee paired with a bite to eat provided a much-needed respite for the weary travelers, a chance to replenish their strength.

Upon entering the coffee shop, the scene unfolded with empty tables, except for one. A large table tucked in the corner hosted five individuals—three men and two women.
Richard: “You’re finally here! Welcome, Lorie! I’m thrilled to meet you!” Richard greeted them with wild excitement.
Lorie fought to understand the unraveling events, questioning the strange link binding these people to her past.
Ted: “Lorie, this is Richard, the guy who called me earlier.” Before Ted could finish, one of the women at the table spoke up.

Dorothy: “Hi, Lorie. I’m Dorothy. I’m…delighted to meet her favorite.”
Dorothy, a woman marked by exhaustion and wounds, extended a warm welcome, revealing signs of weariness that mirrored her prolonged wakefulness.
Lorie: “I don’t understand why I’m her favorite?” Her confusion echoed through her words.

Kevin: “She already told us. I’m Kevin, by the way.” Kevin, an imposing figure with a military air and tattoos covering his body, saluted her.

Joshua: “For heaven’s sake, let the girl catch a breath. She just entered the store. I’m Joshua, but everyone calls me Josh, Lorie. Nice to meet you. Do you want some coffee?” Josh, the thoughtful one with notes in front of him and a constant tic in his eye, filled Lorie’s cup as she took a much-needed sip.
Joshua then introduced the last woman at the table.
Joshua: “By the way, you haven’t met the last party guest! Her name is Melissa. And I’ll save you some time. Don’t try to speak to her; she’s deaf.”

Melissa nodded in acknowledgment, her face revealing a profound sadness. Positioned at the table’s edge, she seemed unwillingly dragged into a situation she wanted no part of.
Richard: “Guys, let’s not waste another minute now that Lorie’s here. I think I found a solution!”
Joshua corrected him, refusing to let David take all the credit.
Richard: “Do you think this is the right time to argue?” Richard’s tone turned aggressive, sensing the rising tension.
Just then, the waitress arrived with more coffee. As she poured the coffee into each cup, she started singing a haunting children’s song:
Waitress: “ Seven little pigs went out one day
One built a house made out of hay
The other pigs thought it would fall, fall, fall
But the first didn't care at all.
Seven little pigs went out one day
The second used sticks to build away
The third pig thought it would fall, fall, fall
But the second didn't care at all.
Seven little pigs went out one day
For the third pig, bricks were the way
He knew the house wouldn't fall, fall, fall
So the work didn't bother him at all.
Then came a wolf who was big and bad
He was incredibly hungry and mad
The seven little pigs saw the wolf that day
They slammed their doors and hid away

「Little pig, little pig, let me in!」
「Not by the hair on my chinny-chin chin!」
「Then I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow, blow, blow!」
And boy, did the hay house go!
After the haunting melody faded, the table shook as if a quake had erupted. Lights danced crazily, laughter echoed from hidden corners, and a disquieting force infused the once-deserted coffee shop.
In the bewildering display of lights, the waitress at the epicenter transformed into the Lake Lady, a demonic force from the depths of hell. With a sinister flair, she pointed at each individual, exposing her selected victims in a wicked game of torment.

Lake Lady: “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch Melissa by her toe!”
The lights went out all of a sudden. Silence hung in the air, making the room feel endless. Then, the lights came back on, showing an empty coffee shop. The group that was there before was now just a scared handful.
As they struggled to comprehend the surreal events, Lorie’s scream pierced the air. The group had shrunk from seven to six. Melissa hung from the coffee shop wall, her body impaled by four knives, hands crucified against the surface. Blood dripped from her lifeless form, pooling on the floor in a grotesque display.

Joshua: “Damn, Melissa. She didn’t make it,” he mumbled, his tic accelerating as tears streamed down his face.
Stay tuned for the next episode
Meanwhile while you are waiting for the next episode of The Lake Lady, do not miss Born of the Forest: A New Year’s Eve Horror Tale
In this Episode: Lorie, Mark, and Ted reached the meeting spot where Lorie was to join the others. However, they weren't the only ones at the coffee shop. Stay tuned next Monday for the next episode. Read All the Previous Episodes Here: Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9