Previously: Lorie, Mark, and Ted reached the meeting spot where Lorie was to join the others. However, they weren’t the only ones at the coffee shop.
Josh appeared more stunned and despondent after Melissa’s demise. Perhaps, they shared a clandestine bond, one concealed from the rest of the party.

Joshua: “She confided in me, but I couldn’t bring myself to believe her,” he wiped away tears that flowed like molten streams from his eyes.
Lorie: “What did she tell you, Josh? What did you know?” she inquired, attempting to comprehend the unfolding tragedy.
Joshua: “She didn’t keep her promise. Melissa didn’t assist the Lake Lady when she needed her. She sacrificed herself to protect us all.”
Lorie: “What do you mean, Josh?”

Joshua: “The Lake Lady asked one thing of Melissa—to disclose our meeting point. Melissa refused. Do you see now? She sacrificed herself for us,” he concluded, emotions etched across his face and body.
Richard interjected, “We mustn’t waste any more time. We don’t know when she’ll strike again. Let’s gather around the table, and I’ll share our findings.” In the blink of an eye, he unveiled a peculiar book and some notes.
Scared but excited to find out the secrets, the rest of the group gathered closely around Richard, like kids sitting by a fire, eager for an interesting story.
Richard: “This is an ancient evil, a demonic force from the depths of hell forging a bond with humans. It curses you when you promise to aid her in her time of need. The moment those words leave your lips, you’re cursed and bound to her.”
Richard recounted a tale steeped in dark history, a tale that echoed from the year 1600, a time when the pirate ship “The Ghostly Mariner” set sail to seize a Spanish colony at Tortuga. The pirates, ruthless in their conquest, slaughtered nearly everyone on the island, sparing only one soul—Colonel Constanza. Captured for interrogation, the colonel became an unwitting pawn in the pirates’ quest for information about the colony.
“It was that fateful night she made her move,” Richard continued. As the pirates fell victim to her lethal onslaught, the Lake Lady, for reasons unknown, encountered Colonel Constanza. Astonishingly, she chose to spare his life without extracting any promise. She used her claws to sever the ropes of his imprisonment, freeing him to return to his family.

Richard, with a spooky vibe, explained, “According to my thinking, Colonel Constanza is the only one who lived after meeting her. The Lake Lady spared his life, but things got strange and sad for him. He kept the ropes she cut as a grim reminder. Sadly, his life took a bad turn, and he ended up getting robbed and killed near his home. Even in death, they buried him with those creepy ropes.”
Kevin, struggling to grasp the gravity of the situation, quipped, “So what, she has a thing for Spanish guys?”
Richard clarified, “No, you fool. Colonel Constanza was the only one she spared without a bargain. Meeting the Lake Lady, your life is cursed in one way or another.”
Kevin: “I really dont get it. Maybe she is craving for a huge churro??
Lorie made a connection, “The ropes…”
Richard affirmed, “Exactly, Lorie. The ropes of imprisonment. If we destroy those ropes, she’ll be purified and banished back to hell.”
Mark, determined to act, declared, “Let’s not waste time. Richard, do you know where we can find Constanza’s grave?”

Richard shared his knowledge, “Rumors suggest Colonel Constanza’s grave lies in the catacombs of Cincinnati, beneath the altar of the new church consecrated on December of1859. But these are just rumors.”
Mark decisively exclaimed, “Off to Cincinnati, then.”
The team set off for Cincinnati, a glimmer of hope igniting within them. Perhaps they had discovered a way to break the curse of the Lake Lady.
Stay tuned for the next episode
Meanwhile while you are waiting for the next episode of The Lake Lady, do not miss Nightmare Canvas: The Screaming Portraits
In this Episode: After the coffee incident, Richard finally divulges the secret and exploits Lady’s Lake weakness. Is the solution truly the cursed ropes, or is the group heading towards their doom?
Stay tuned next Monday for the next episode. Read All the Previous Episodes Here: Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10