Previously: The gang heads to Cincinnati catacombs and uncovers the pact made with Lake Lady. They find out why Lorie is her favorite – it turns out she made a deal with the devil, and now the devil is coming to collect.
As they approached the Cincinnati catacombs, night’s dark veil cloaked everything in an unsettling hush. The cold bit through flesh, sending shivers straight to the bone. Inside the church, a quest for a secret entrance beneath the altar unfolded.Kevin and Mark, pushing the hefty altar, found a wooden hatch with a scary warning: “If Death is what you are looking for, Death you will find.”

Quest Beneath the Altar: Unfolding Secrets
A chilling feeling took hold of the gang, but determination conquered fear. Holding torches, they went down one by one into the catacombs. Lorie, driven by a strong will to rescue her mother, remembered a recent nightmare of the Lake Lady tormenting her father. Despite having torches, the group avoided using them; the flickering lights played a spooky dance of shadows in the already creepy surroundings.
Further into the catacombs they ventured, the quest for clues about the buried ropes becoming more urgent. A distant sound echoed through the corridors—a sorrowful cry growing more intense with each of their step.
“Why, Josh? Why didn’t you protect me?”
All eyes turned to Joshua.
Joshua: “Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?”He shouted, his face reflecting both terror and confusion.

From the shadows emerged a female figure, blood trailing from her feet and hands. In the dim light, her face revealed itself: Melissa.
Melissa: “Why, Joshy, why? Why didn’t you protect me?”
Joshua: “But how can you speak? You’re deaf!” he wondered, cautiously approaching her.
Kevin: “Don’t talk to her, Josh. She’s not Melissa. And don’t move an inch!” Joshua warned, pulling a gun from his military belt.
Kevin: “Hey, cabron, eat this!” he shouted, firing at Melissa—or whatever masqueraded as her.
“What are you doing? You’re going to kill us all,” Mark yelled, bending like everyone else to avoid the bullets. In the ensuing chaos, the lights extinguished. The group fumbled to light their torches, and as the first one flared, the entity vanished, leaving Richard wounded.
Mark: “Oh my God, look what you did, you idiot!”

Richard: “I’m not going to make it, guys. You have to keep walking. Find the tomb where Constanza is buried. Retrieve the ropes and burn them. Go, go, go; you’re running out of time.”
Mark: “We’ll come back and save you, Richard. Hang on.”
Undeterred, they pressed on, reaching the deepest room. In the center lay a grave with the inscription: “Here rests the body of our beloved Colonel Gabriel Constanza.”
Dorothy: “We finally found it. Let’s open it and get these damn ropes.”
Tomb of Constanza: Retrieving the Ropes
Kevin seized a piece of metal like a crowbar and, with all his strength, opened the tomb in an instant. The group gathered around to reveal a skeleton with pirate ropes around its left hand. Kevin took out a knife and began to cut the ropes.
A dreadful sound burst forth, accompanied by a demonic scream and laughter. The Lake Lady appeared, taking her ultimate and most formidable form, emerging from another tomb. With demonic delight, she pointed at each member.
Lake Lady: “In the silent tomb, where shadows play,
A group of whispers, in the dimming day.
A bunch of fools, lingering near,
Whispering softly, the end is here.
In the hush of night, the echoes spread,
In the cold of this tomb, where you will be dead!“

The battle was fierce but brief. The Lake Lady bit Kevin’s arm, managing to sever the entire limb with a single bite. Joshua attempted to restrain her from behind, but with her claws, she seized his back and flung him aside like a piece of rock. As Kevin writhed in pain and Joshua lay unconscious, the Lake Lady advanced towards Lorie. However, Dorothy had successfully lit the torch.

Dorothy: “See you in hell, bitch!” she screamed, setting the ropes ablaze.

The Lake Lady twisted in pain, flames devouring her form. The burning ropes reduced to ashes, sealing her fiery demise. The echoes from the abyss gradually faded away, leaving nothing but the remains of shadows beneath the tomb. It was a dramatic end to the Lake Lady’s terror, consumed by the relentless fire, her malevolent presence forever extinguished in the depths of the catacombs.
Lorie struggled to rally the remaining members. Kevin lay lifeless, having lost too much blood. Joshua barely moved. Lorie turned to Mark, realizing it would be their final conversation. Tears streamed down her face like a river flowing to the ocean.
Mark: “You did it, love.”
Lorie: “Mark, I can’t live without you. Please, let’s go home.”

Mark: “I’ll always be next to you, love. Always. Never forget that,” and he closed his eyes, exhaling his last breath.
Devastated, Lorie moved towards the catacomb exit with Dorothy and Josh. Before reaching the exit, they discovered Richard breathless and lying on the floor.
Lorie: “We couldn’t save them. They sacrificed themselves for us. I need to breathe,” she confessed as they headed towards the exit.
Exit from the Abyss: The Haunting Call
Outside the catacomb’s entrance, lying down, trying to recover from the deadly encounter, Lorie’s phone rang. It was her mother.
Lorie: “Hey, Mom. What’s up?”
Lorie’s Mother: “Hey Pumpkin, there’s a nice young lady here. She wants to talk to you. She says she knows you from your childhood, but I really can’t remember her.”

Lorie: “Mom, whatever you do, do NOT talk to that lady, okay?”
In this Episode: The gang is facing their deepest fears inside the Cincinnati catacombs. How many will come out alive from this final confrontation with the Lake Lady?
Stay tuned next Monday for the next episode. Read All the Previous Episodes Here: Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12
Meanwhile while you are waiting for the next episode of The Lake Lady, do not miss the: Nightmare Canvas: The Screaming Portraits