Previously: As the Lake Lady continues to unsettle Lorie, she’s resolved to take the next step and meet the unknown caller holding crucial information about the unfolding events.
Mark worked hard to stop Lorie’s bleeding hand, but she didn’t make a peep, even when the alcohol stung. Her eyes were wide, like she couldn’t believe what happened. It felt like a never-ending nightmare, and she couldn’t snap out of it. All she could think about was what came next.
Then a knock at the door. Mark went to see who it was. This person might have answers about Lorie and the Lake Lady.
When he opened it, there stood a strange guy, checking things out like he was scared but sure of himself.

“I’m Ted. Can I come in?” he asked, looking nervous but wanting to step inside.
Lorie nodded, and Ted cautiously entered. He was thin and fidgety, constantly looking around like something was after him.
“Who are you, Ted? How do you know stuff about me?” Lorie asked, hoping for some answers at last.
“Heard it all from her. Lorie, you’re her favorite,” Ted said, with a tone that hinted at something deeper.
“What? I don’t get it,” Lorie responded in confusion.

“You’re her favorite. And that’s why she might let me off without making me keep my promise,” Ted revealed.
“The promise… she wanted me to promise to help her when she’d need me, right?” Lorie remembered, trying to make sense of it all.

That’s when Ted started stuttering. “Ye-ye-ye yeah, Lorie. Back at the La-la-lake, you made a pr-pro-promise. A promise to he-h-he-help her when she needed you. And no-now, it’s time.”
Mark butted in, puzzled by Ted’s sudden stutter. “What’s up with you? Why are you stuttering all of the sudden?”
Ted: “She-she-she’s close. When she’s near, I feel it in my bo-b-bones. It’s not just us. Others pro-p-promised her too. I’ve been searching for e-evr-everyone,” Ted explained, looking terrified.
“And what about your promise, Ted?” Lorie pushed for answers, feeling the tension rising.
Ted went silent, trying hard to remember his fatal rendezvous with the Lake Lady from when he was just a kid. It was a night he’d never forget, when his alcoholic dad got out of control. He was only ten, but that night was different.
He heard his mom crying and saw his dad hurting her real bad. Ted rushed in, yelling at his dad to stop. But then he saw her, the Lake Lady, standing there. She just needed a ‘yes’ from him. His dad didn’t listen, turned on her.

“Promise me you’ll help me one day, Ted,” she said, facing his dad with a broken bottle aimed at her.
“I pro-pr-promise! Stop him, ple-pleas-please!” Ted begged, scared out of his mind. That was the first time Ted actually stuttered.
“Close your eyes, Ted,” she ordered, just as his dad swung the bottle.
Then, silence.
When Ted dared to open his eyes, he saw his dad on the floor, bleeding bad from a deep wound on his throat.

Ted: “I p-pro-promised her, Lorie. I promised to hel-help her too. She-she-she saved my mom and me that night. Now she’s he-he-here for what I owe her.”
Stay tuned for the next episode
Meanwhile while you are waiting for the next episode of The Lake Lady, do not miss the: A Subway Train Heist: A Dark and Thrilling Tale
In this Episode: Lorie finally encounters Ted, the mysterious caller. However, he seems to harbor a crucial secret. Will Lorie trust him?
Stay tuned next Monday for the next episode. Read All the Previous Episodes Here: Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6| Episode 7