Previously: Lorie finally encounters Ted, the mysterious caller. However, he seems to harbor a crucial secret. Will Lorie trust him?
Ted’s voice quivered, stuttering through his confession. “I pro-promised her, Lorie. I pro-promised to he-help her too. She sa-saved my mom and me that night. Now she’s he- here for what I owe her.”
Tears streamed down Ted’s face, scorching like fire. He appeared tormented, haunted by his past. The Lake Lady had inflicted wounds upon his soul, scars that would never fade.

“I call her Elle,” Ted said between sobs, his voice thick with pain. “It’s French, but I don’t know why I named her that. I don’t even know her name. I just call her Elle.”
Lorie’s bleeding hand ceased its flow, treated by Mark’s care. Determined to unravel the unknown promise she made and to aid Ted, Lorie felt a deep empathy. She yearned to alleviate his suffering.
“You mentioned something about being let off the hook, about your promise,” Lorie implored. “Tell me, Ted. I want to help you.”
“Sorry, Lorie,” Ted murmured, anguish in his voice. “I can’t tell you more. I just can’t.”
“We have to trust each other to escape this,” Lorie insisted, trying to reason.
“Lorie, there’s no escape,” Ted countered, his tone resolute. “Elle will claim what she wants. We’re bound to her, and she to us.”
Mark interjected, his skepticism evident. “This is all nonsense. Why are we listening to him instead of going to the police?”
“Elle will find you, no matter where you go. You cannot escape,” Ted warned with a haunting certainty.
“Are we the only ones who made promises to her?” Lorie pressed, seeking a glimmer of hope.
“I found a few others,” Ted admitted. “But most didn’t believe, and they met Elle. Some are dead for breaking their promises.”
“Can we gather them all?” Lorie seemed really desperate. “We need to help each other.”
“Maybe I can arrange a meeting.”
“Arrange it, Ted,” Lorie urged. “Before it’s too late. We need answers. We must find a way.”
As they stopped talking, suddenly the radio crackled to life, tuning into a well known melody, an ancient tune:

With cannons booming, our colors unfurled,
We’ve conquered the seas, our victory swirled.
In triumph we sing, our foes all fled,
For this moment we rule, Ted will be dead!
“She-she is here, Lorie. She’s wa-w-watching us,” Ted stuttered, fear gripping his words. “He-help me, Lorie. I don’t want to d-d-die.”
“Don’t be afraid,” Lorie reassured him. “Call the others. We’ll gather our things and leave.”
Lorie, Mark, and Ted quickly packed what they needed and left Lorie’s home. They headed north, trying to stay safe, always watching out for the Lake Lady. Mark, not part of this haunting, kept watching over them like their guardian angel.

Midway through their journey, Ted’s phone rang. It was Richard, another victim ensnared by the Lake Lady’s promises.

“Ted, where are you?” Richard’s voice echoed with urgency. “I have a solution! I know how we can beat her!”
Stay tuned for the next episode
Meanwhile while you are waiting for the next episode of The Lake Lady, do not miss Born of the Forest: A New Year’s Eve Horror Tale
In this Episode: Lorie, sensing the torment that has gripped Ted's soul in the clutches of the
Lake Lady, extends her helping hand. Together with Mark, they embark on a journey to unite with others who have weathered the same harrowing experiences.
Stay tuned next Monday for the next episode.
Read All the Previous Episodes Here:
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8